Join 100,000+ People Who Have
Transformed Their Health and Body In Just 7 Days!

...with the Dr. Cabral Detox

Guaranteed to work for weight loss, clearer skin, better sleep, more energy, balanced hormones, sharper mind, reduce bloating, and more!


1,300+ 5-Star Reviews

In Just 7 Days

Lose Weight, Get Clearer Skin, Sleep BETTER, lower inflammation, reduce bloating, and more!

This 7-day Functional Medicine Liver Detox is backed by science and guaranteed to work

1,300+ 5-Star Reviews

👉 Guaranteed results or your money back - no questions asked!

How The Dr. Cabral Detox Works

For over 15 years now my wellness & weight loss virtual practice has completed over 250,000 client sessions – making our research data one of the largest weight loss & wellness resources in the world.

​After studying for years overseas in India, Sri Lanka, China, and the Netherlands, I discovered how to combine state-of-the-art Functional Medicine with long-forgotten ancient healing traditions. The result was the most powerful, scientifically researched, full-body detoxification weight loss system ever created.

For over 15 years now my wellness & weight loss virtual practice has completed over 250,000 client sessions – making our research data one of the largest weight loss & wellness resources in the world.

​After studying for years overseas in India, Sri Lanka, China, and the Netherlands, I discovered how to combine state-of-the-art Functional Medicine with long-forgotten ancient healing traditions. The result was the most powerful, scientifically researched, full-body detoxification weight loss system ever created.

This Is Not Just Another Cleanse...

A cleanse is what people do to try and lose weight or just simply feel better. It usually involves fasting, juicing, eliminating certain foods, etc. And while cleanses can be great for a short term reset, it’s not actually addressing the root cause of the issue.

That’s where detoxes come in…

The Dr. Cabral Detox supports phase 1 & phase 2 liver detoxification to safely & effectively remove toxins from the body.

It was designed to address the underlying root causes keeping you from enjoying the life you always wanted at the weight you always dreamed of…

And it only takes 7 days.

This Is Not Just Another Cleanse...

A cleanse is what people do to try and lose weight or just simply feel better. It usually involves fasting, juicing, eliminating certain foods, etc. And while cleanses can be great for a short term reset, it’s not actually addressing the root cause of the issue.

That’s where detoxes come in…

The Dr. Cabral Detox supports phase 1 & phase 2 liver detoxification to safely & effectively remove toxins from the body.

It was designed to address the underlying root causes keeping you from enjoying the life you always wanted at the weight you always dreamed of…

And it only takes 7 days.

The Benefits You Will Experience… Guaranteed!

The Dr. Cabral Detox is the easiest and most effective way to get results. This is what your body & mind have been craving.

And weight loss is just one of the many benefits...

In just 7 days you will experience:

  • Weight loss
  • Clearer skin
  • Better sleep
  • Less bloating
  • Reduced joint pain
  • Clear & healthy mind
  • Balanced hormones
  • Balanced blood sugar
  • Weight loss
  • Clearer skin
  • Better sleep
  • Less bloating
  • Reduced joint pain
  • Clear & healthy mind
  • Balanced hormones
  • Balanced blood sugar

The benefits you will get from the Dr. Cabral Detox are GUARANTEED.

This is the same detox we’ve been using for years with people all over the world and the success stories are endless. So, if you’re ready to completely transform your health in just 7 days (or 21 if you so choose), join us in this health revolution and get your detox today!


Don't Just Take Our Word For It

Here's What Others Have to Say About Their Experience Using Dr. Carbal Detox

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"Overall I really like this detox. It is a little challenging, but after having done the CBO protocol it doesn’t seem so limiting. My skin looked soo healthy doing this detox. One thing I think could be improved is to also have the option to just purchase the Ayu detox more

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Deanna M.

"I’m on the 6th day of my 7 day detox and I am in awe at how amazing I feel. Outside of the fact that I have lost 11 lbs, I have an incredible amount of energy, my sleep has improved so much and the biggest win in my opinion is the control and peace I feel over my choices with food. more

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Sheila J.

"Finally there is an easy 7-day detox program that I feel as if I can suggest to any of my clients within my practice who are looking to support and refresh their immune systems whether post-surgically or overall wellness. I will continue into a 14-21 day program from here. Multiple benefits achieved."

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Annie T.

"The first two days were the hardest but felt normal by the third day! Now that I’m done with the detox, I feel more energy without needing caffeine and it feels like layers of sluggishness have fallen off. Lost 5 pounds in 7 days as well."

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Melissa V.

"Was really struggling to lose about 8kg that I had put on during a stressful period of life. I already ate plant-based, exercised and my meal setup was similar to the plan. However, I ate more in a day. more

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Laurie L.

"Thanks to the detox, I feel confident that over time I will slowly be emptying my rain barrel. Even my 21-year-old daughter is willing to do this a few times a year. She modifies it to her life but she has never been willing to do anything before this. And she loves the taste of the shakes!"

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Maria D.

"The best part of this detox is that it immediately snaps me back to eating properly. It so helps my liver detox from the indulgences I have taken this summer. I am following the protocol every more

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Elasiah S.

"I purchased the 21-day cleanse but I could only do the 7 days due to traveling reasons. But the 7 days was still a challenge but effective! This detox nudged me in the right direction in terms of my more

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Breanne P.

"My husband and I did our first 7 day detox can't wait to do another when we get back from our vacation. The DNS powder tastes pretty good. We like the chocolate. The first 2 fasting days were more

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Stacey B.

"Just completed the 7 day, I didn't need to lose too much weight but ended up shedding a few pounds and some inches. I had already been doing intermittent fasting for a few months before more


We Live In a Toxic World...

With well over 100,000 man-made chemicals in our environment, we are being inundated daily and it doesn’t seem to be getting better.

These toxins are in our food, water, cookware, cleaning supplies, beauty products, plastic, toothpaste, furniture, and even the air we breathe!

Our livers simply cannot keep up with this influx of toxins so our bodies store them away in our fat tissue and organs which lead to weight gain, inflammation, and dis-ease.

​​​None of this is meant to scare you or diminish your hope, but it’s the reality of the world we live in and we need to be proactive so that we can live a long and healthy life.


How These Toxins Affect Us All

The Symptoms of Toxicity Accumulation

Based on your genetics, you might be experiencing various symptoms. But the most common signs of toxic overload that we see everyday in our global practice are:

  • Weight Gain
  • Water Retention / Puffiness
  • Joint Pain
  • Skin Issues
  • Brain Fog
  • Low Mood
  • Low Thyroid
  • Hormone Imbalances
  • Autoimmune Issues
  • Poor Sleep
  • Sugar Addictions
  • Gut Dysfunction
  • Weight Gain
  • Water Retention / Puffiness 
  • Joint Pain
  • Skin Issues
  • Brain Fog
  • Low Mood
  • Sugar Addictions
  • Low Thyroid
  • Hormone Imbalances
  • Autoimmune Issues
  • Poor Sleep
  • Gut Issues
  • Hair Thinning

You can probably relate to some of the symptoms listed above, and that’s because most of us have accumulated too many toxins in our lifetimes. Again, our liver can only do so much, we have to support it.

The problem is that most people have absolutely no idea where to start… We were never taught how to actually be healthy in order to experience vitality and abundant energy.

​That’s why I formulated the Dr. Cabral Detox… And now in just 7 days you can completely turn your health around


Happy Detox Customers



Formulated By Dr. Cabral


I’m Stephen Cabral

Board Certified Doctor of Naturopathy.

After suffering from a debilitating sickness when I was 17 years old, and being given no hope for recovery, I set out to find the answers on my own. It took me years to get well and it shouldn’t have…

Now, I’ve made it my mission to ensure that you don’t have to suffer the same way I did.

I spent years studying Naturopathic Medicine, Functional Medicine, Ayurveda Medicine, and many other practices all over the world. My goal was to not force anyone I care for to fit into one medical model, but rather choose the method that would best serve them.

This philosophy led me to design what I’ve seen in my own practice to be the very best way to begin the healing process and shed needless bloating, water retention, and the weight that is keeping you from loving the way you look and feel.

This is the proven way to finally feel your best!


Priscilla F.

This detox has been the biggest game changer for my health. I grew up eating very unhealthy foods and my skin really paid the price.  Not only that but I would get bloated all of the time. I started with the 21-day detox and now I do 7-day detoxes 2-4 times per year and I've never been healthier!


The Proven Detox Method
(What To Expect)

As you can see, the plan is simple. I created this detox so that you can enjoy the amazing benefits without having to think too much about it. In just 7 days (or 21 days if you choose that option) you are going to experience the healthiest version of yourself.

It's all laid out for you and the results are guaranteed... Thousands of people all over the world do this detox and I'd love for you to join the community and take control of your health.

I look forward to hearing your success story soon!


Choose Your Detox

7-Day Detox

Are you ready for a health reset that will leave you feeling lighter, clearer, and glowing? This is the exact 7-day protocol that Dr. Cabral uses in his private practice to help people lose weight, get well, or reverse the aging process.


  • Lose 5 pounds in 7 days
  • Rebalance your hormones
  • Reset healthy inflammation levels
  • Get clearer skin
  • Stabilize healthy blood sugar levels
  • ​Increase energy
  • ​Improve sleep
  • Strengthen digestion


  • 7-Day Dr. Cabral Detox ($99 value)
  • Free Shaker Bottle ($19.95 value)
  • Free Digital Rain Barrel Effect Book ($17 value)
  • Free Detox Course ($99 value)
  • Free Lifetime Access to Private Support Group ($99 value)
  • Free shipping ($9.95 value)


Save $247 + Free Shipping

21-Day Detox

For ongoing health issues, or to lose up to 15 lbs, choose the 21-Day Detox - This is the exact 21-day protocol that Dr. Cabral uses in his practice to help people lose weight, get well, or reverse the aging process.


  • Lose 15 pounds in 21 days
  • Rebalance your hormones
  • Reset healthy inflammation levels
  • Get clearer skin
  • Stabilize healthy blood sugar levels
  • ​Increase energy
  • ​Improve sleep
  • Strengthen digestion


  • 21-Day Dr. Cabral Detox ($297 value)
  • Free Shaker Bottle ($19.95 value)
  • Free Digital Rain Barrel Effect Book ($17 value)
  • Free Detox Course ($99 value)
  • Free Lifetime Access to Private Support Group ($99 value)
  • Free shipping ($9.95 value)


Save $273 + Free Shipping

60-Day Money Back Guarantee

Our guarantee is simple. If my Dr. Cabral Detox doesn’t change your life and help you to look and feel amazing, simply return it.

​I want you to absolutely love the transformation you just went through and I want you to experience it with zero risk. You have 60 days to try it out, but I’d recommend beginning right away to begin seeing and feeling the results you want!


60-Day Money Back Guarantee

Our guarantee is simple. If the Dr. Cabral Detox doesn’t change your life and help you to look and feel amazing, simply return it.

​I want you to absolutely love the transformation you just went through and I want you to experience it with zero risk. You have 60 days to try it out, but I’d recommend beginning right away to begin seeing and feeling the results you want!


It’s A Worldwide Health Revolution



What You Get When You Order Today

  • 7 or 21-Day Detox: $99 or $297 Value
  • (Free) Shaker Bottle: $19.95 Value
  • (Free) Digital RBE Book: $17 Value
  • (Free) Online Detox Course: $99 Value
  • (Free) Access to Private Support Group: $99 Value
  • (Free) Smoothie Recipe Guide: $19.95 Value (ADDED BONUS WHEN YOU PURCHASE TODAY)


Only $97 or $269

+ Free Shipping

Only $97 or

+ Free Shipping

60-Day Money Back Guarantee


Skye F.

I am a big fan of this Detox. I've personally used it along with my clients and it produces great results for opening liver pathways, improving nutrition & weight loss. One of my clients competed a yearly check up and his PCP specifically told him how great his liver was doing with out him soliciting that response. In addition lost over 15 lbs in 21 days. I've used it myself and it has completely shifted how I look at my nutrition and I plan on using the detox every year and every quarter. This is a staple to my health & wellness regimen


How The Detox Pays For Itself


For the same cost as a week’s worth of food, you could be losing weight and feeling great!

With 2 days worth of liquid detox meals included, 7 breakfast shakes, and 7 afternoon metabolic energizing shakes, you aren’t spending any more money than you would during a typical week’s shopping.

For just $13.86 a day you can experience the Dr. Cabral Detox for yourself and completely transform your health in just 7 days.

You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain. Choose your detox below and join the thousands of others whose lives have been changed.


Tatjana L.

Finally there is an easy 7 day detox program that I feel as if I can suggest to any of my clients within my practice who are looking to support and refresh their immune systems whether post-surgically or overrall wellness. I will continue in into a 14-21 day program from here. Multiple benefits achieved.


Scientifically Proven Supplement Facts

+AYU Detox

🔎 Click on image to enlarge

PAYU Detox
+FM Detox

🔎 Click on image to enlarge

FM Detox
+Daily Nutritional Support - Pure Chocolate

🔎 Click on image to enlarge

Daily Nutritional Support - Pure Chocolate
+Daily Nutritional Support - Pure Vanilla

🔎 Click on image to enlarge

Daily Nutritional Support - Pure Vanilla
×Full Size Image


Join The Thousands of Others



Frequently Asked Questions

Find quick answers to the most common questions about the Dr. Cabral Detox, or click the button below to claim your detox today!

+When will I receive my order?

All orders ship out the next business day if in by 5pm EST.

United States Orders & Shipping

Over $99 = Free Shipping$99 and under = $4.95 Flat Rate ShippingShipping Rates are calculated on order totals after coupons/discounts and before taxes on qualifying items shippedPlease allow 5 business days for processing and shipping – unless otherwise stated for specific products.Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rice may take additional time to receive your shipment

International Orders & Shipping

We ship to the UK, Canada, and AustraliaShipping postal fees to the UK = $54.95Shipping postal fees to Canada = $34.95Shipping postal fees to Australia = $74.95Import taxes an tariffs may also apply and would be paid separately based on your country. We cannot control those costs since they are imposed by international countries and we do not receive those payments. 

+What is the Dr.Cabral 7-Day Detox?

The Dr. Cabral Detox is a comprehensive detoxification program that allows your body 7, 14 or 21 days to reset and remove harmful toxins from your body. These toxins can cause weight gain, bloating, dry skin, brain fog, mood disorders, and hormone imbalances. The results from the 7-Day detox have been shown to improve many of these issues in most people. 

+Does the Dr. Cabral detox provide all meals or do I still have to purchase groceries in addition to it?

Each 7-day Dr. Cabral Detox comes with 7 breakfast and 7 afternoon shakes. The food shopping list is contained within the kit, but you would purchase your own lunch and dinners for days 3-7. (Days 1 and 2 are 4 shakes per day and are supplied for you.)

+How many scoops of powder should I use?

Please only follow the directions on the mini-brochure enclosed in your Dr. Cabral Detox kit. You will be using 1 scoop for each shake four times a day on days 1-2. On days 3-7 you will be using two scoops for each breakfast and mid-afternoon shake. 

+Can I do the 7-Day Detox more than 7-Days?

The Dr. Cabral Detox may be done for 7, 14, or 21-Days. The length of time is based on your goals and the results you are looking for. Generally, the longer you do the Dr. Cabral Detox the more benefits you will receieve.

+How often can I do the detox?

Typically, our wellness clients use the Dr. Cabral Detox 4 times per year (seasonally). However, many of our weight loss clients use it more often to help combat the effects of travel, holiday, and occasional slip-ups in their nutrition. We recommend the All-in-One Daily Detox Shake for every day maintenance use after your Dr. Cabral Detox is over. 

+Can I have coffee during my detox?

You may give up coffee or caffeinated tea during the detox but may experience headaches from the caffeine withdrawal. If you choose to keep in coffee or caffeinated tea, please keep it to 1 in the morning. 

+Can I modify the detox to eat during the first 2 days?

We do not recommend eating during the first 2 days in order to give your body the time to remove toxins with out the stress of digesting food. However, if you are not trying to lose weight we do recommend using spinach and blueberries in your smoothies. If it is essential that you eat during the first 2 days you may follow the guidelines for days 3-7. 

+Where can I find the detox food guide and shopping list?

You can find the food guide and the shopping list here:

+What if I miss one of the capsules?

If you miss taking an AYU or FM capsule you can pick up with the next scheduled capsules – there is no need to take additional ones. 

+How much water should I drink?

You should be consuming about 80-100oz of water each day throughout the detox. Much of this will be from the Dr. Cabral Detox shakes themselves (each one is about 20-24 ounces). Additional water is only needed if you feel thirsty. 

+Are nut milks allowed on the detox?

Yes, if you cannot do straight water with the powder you may use a 50/50 ratio of unsweetened nut milk with water.

If wishing to use coconut milk, it is okay to use about 1-2 tsp as part of a meal or recipe but is preferable that the main sources of fats are monounsaturated (avocado, olive oil) as they are easier to digest than saturated fats. 

+I have a food sensitivity, can I still do the Detox?

The Dr. Cabral 7-Day Detox is gluten-free, dairy-free, nut-free, egg-free, soy-free. However, if any of your allergies lie outside of these specification please check the ingredient list to be sure that that foods that you are sensitive too are not in any of the products. You can find the ingredient labels on this page.

+Do my detox products expire?

The detox products do have an expiration date; each product will have a stamp for the date that it will expire. Since they're made in small batches, the one you're getting is going to be fresh and will not expire most likely for 2 years. 

+Can I use herbs and spices?

Yes, herbs and spices are okay to use for seasoning your food.

*Note: some herbs including garlic and onion can act as a prebiotic and cause bloating which may slow weight loss and increase gut dysfunction. If this happens on days 3-7 we recommend cutting back on those products. 

+Is there anyone who should NOT do the detox?

Please consult your healthcare practitioner if you are under 18, pregnant or lactating, have liver or kidney disease, gallbladder conditions, appendicitis, eating disorder, type 1 diabetes, or if any of your medications are contraindicated with any of these ingredients. 

+Should I continue with any prescribed medication during the detox?

During the detox you should stay on all prescription medication prescribed by your healthcare practitioner, please also confirm that none of your medications are contraindicated with any of the ingredients in the detox. 

+How do I maintain my results after the detox?

Out goal is to help you get the best results humanly possible, while at the same time teaching you a healthy lifestyle plan. To maintain all your results we simply recommend a daily breakfast or mid-afternoon smoothie with the Daily Detox Shake. It is what our most successful clients do to stay feeling healthy & looking great! 

+What do I eat after the 21 day detox?

Continue with the Daily Nutritional Support for breakfast, but add in some berries and other superfoods.

Smoothie Recipes

Daily Nutritional Support Shake

For lunch you can continue on with a vegan or vegetarian lunch or begin to add in Paleo type protein if you prefer.

Snack is optional and it can be another smoothie, just the shake and powder, or a snack such as: a handful of nuts, cut up veggies and guacamole or hummus, a cup of fruit, or a fresh vegetable juice. Dinner can be the same style as lunch.

Lunch and dinner can also include some gluten-free starch if you are not trying to lose weight.

You can also do one to two cheat meals per week as desired based on your goals.  

+Can I use vinegar on the detox?

We do not recommend vinegar on the detox because it is acidic and it can feed yeast or bacterial overgrowth. Instead, try using lemon or lime for acidity/flavor instead. 

+Do you offer support during the Dr. Cabral Detox?

Absolutely! Inside your mini-brochure you'll see a sign-up page to get daily instructive & motivational emails directly from Dr. Cabral, and you can always email us at – We're here to help and make sure you succeed!

+Can I change the timing of my shakes?

If you need to wake up earlier than the example times listed on the instructions, you should drink lemon water upon waking up. Then have your first shake no earlier than 6:00am and have the remaining shakes 3.5-4 hours apart. 

+Can I drink anything besides water?

Yes, you may also drink unsweetened and caffeine-free herbal teas; especially ginger tea. Please avoid coconut water or any beverages with sugar (natural or added). 

+Should I be having daily bowel movements?

Decreased bowel movements during the first 2 days of the detox is normal because you are not consuming whole foods and only drinking liquids. After you introduce meals again on day 3, bowel movements should begin returning to normal. To increase bowel activity add in magnesium citrate powder and/or 3-5 capsules of psyllium husk fiber at night. 

+Can I exercise during the detox?

If this is your first detox, we do not recommend exercising on the fasting days. Exercising on the meal days is okay, but don't overdo it and pay close attention to how your body is feeling. The main goal of the detox is also to give your body time to rest and rejuvenate.

If you have done the detox before and know that you always have enough energy to exercise when fasting, then go ahead. Make sure to only do light exercise and continue to stay aware of how your body is feeling. 

+Can I cook my food on the detox?

Yes, you may cook your food. It is best not to cook in oil, but instead, either steam, bake, broil, slow cook, or sauté (pan-fry) in a little water to prevent sticking. You may then add 1-2 TBSP of olive oil as a dressing along with a squeeze of lemon.

+I feel bloated after having the shake and supplements, is this normal?

Bloating after consuming the shake and supplements is often a sign of weak digestion. If this occurs, it is best to drink the shake slowly over the course of 60 minutes. 

+I am doing a 14 or 21 day detox – Do I repeat the 2 day fast at the beginning of each week?

Yes, for best results, we recommend repeating the 2 day fast each week. If weight-loss is not your main goal, then it is okay to only do the first 2 day fast and then follow the day 3-7 meal plan for the rest of the detox. Another option is only doing 1 liquid fast day per week for 2 or 3 week of a longer Dr. Cabral Detox. 

+Can I chew gum during the detox?

Ideally no, but if needed you may have sugar-free gum and only right after a meal. Chewing gum stimulates digestion, which can be beneficial after eating. However, chewing gum in-between meals can make you hungry and make the detox more difficult to complete. 

+Can I have sparkling water during the detox?

We recommend avoiding all carbonated drinks during the detox. After you complete the detox sparkling water is okay. 

+If I cannot swallow capsules, can I open them up and mix into my water?

Yes, you can mix the powder from the capsules into the shakes or even mix them up with a little raw honey or 1 tsp of apple sauce. Please keep in mind that the powder may taste bitter due to the vitamins and herbs. 

+I don't want to lose weight, can I still do the detox?

Absolutely! If you are not trying to lose weight, we do recommend adding 1c of blueberries in your smoothies on days 3-7. There is a section on the food shopping list of fruits and carbs that you can eat if weight loss is not your main goal. Also, if you are completing a 14-day or 21-day detox, only the first 2 days of fasting is recommended and you can follow the instructions for days 3-7 for the rest of the detox. 

+If I'm feeling really hungry still after day 3, can I add more food?

To help with hunger we recommend adding green leafy vegetables and blueberries in your smoothies. Less weight may be lost, but you will still experience great detox results. 

+Do I need to do all 7 days or can I do less and still get results?

If you cannot commit to a full 7-day detox, you can still receive great benefits from doing only 5 days. Simply complete the 1st 5 days out of the 7 day Dr. Cabral Detox and then just use the daily shake powder for your morning smoothies after that. 

+Can I do the detox without using the pills and just do the all-in-one powder?

The Dr. Cabral Detox was specifically formulated to include all 3 products. Each product is unique in its own way. The Daily Nutritional Support powder is a full multi-vitamin, mineral, electrolyte, and antioxidant formula that has light detox effects by itself, but it is the FM Detox that provides the higher level of Phase 1 and 2 liver detox support. The AYU Detox allows for greater bowel motility and has anti-inflammatory and cleansing properties. 

+Why may I experience headaches, fatigue, nausea, or skin breakouts?

This can be a sign that your body is detoxing, which is called a Herxheimer reaction. This is due to the fact your body is releasing stored toxins, which your body is trying to process and eliminate as quickly as possible. Headaches, fatigue, and nausea are also common if you have altered your normal routine and are no longer consuming processed foods, caffeine, alcohol, etc. This causes your body to have withdrawal symptoms from these items, especially during the first 2 days. It should be gone by the end of day 3. Please discontinue the Dr. Cabral Detox, or move onto the Day 3 meal plan should a headache become severe or last more than the 1st 2 days. 

+Is the detox gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free, egg-free, caffeine-free, nut-free, vegan/vegetarian?

Yes, the detox was created to be free of all major allergens including gluten, dairy, soy, egg, and nuts. The detox is also caffeine free and is made with pea/rice protein so it is also vegan/vegetarian. It has also been 3rd party tested for purity and contains no heavy metals. 

+Can I complete the detox while pregnant or nursing?

No, we do not recommend completing the detox while pregnant or nursing because that may expose your child to toxins your body will be releasing. 

+Can I do an infrared sauna, or coffee enema, or colonic while completing the detox?

If you would like to use an infrared sauna, coffee enema, or colonic while completing the detox, it is best to do so during days 3-7, after you have completed the fasting portion so that your body is stronger and able to work with the increased detoxification treatments. 

Trusted By 100,000+ People All Over The World


Vanessa G.

I’m on the 6th day of my 7 day detox and I am in awe at how amazing I feel. Outside of the fact that I have lost 11 lbs, I have an incredible amount of energy, my sleep has improved so much, and the biggest win in my opinion is the control and peace I feel over my choices with food. I will be moving on to the 21 day detox for sure and would recommend this protocol to anyone looking to reset their system and feel a decrease in overall inflammation and increase in energy and well being. So happy I decided to give this a go!! Thank you so much to the Cabral Team.

Stephen Cabral


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​By accessing or using any page on, you have agreed that you have read, understood, and will abide by the Terms of Use, Full Disclaimer, Privacy Policy, Affiliate Disclosure.


The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your physician.

Results featured on this web site are atypical. As individuals differ, so will results. Equilife and the products featured on this website distribute product lines made with natural ingredients. Always check with your doctor for risks associated with dietary supplements and your specific health conditions and/or allergies.

Cabral Research, LLC
540 Tremont St,
Suite 9
Boston, MA 02116

*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.